Posted to Scribophile! Chapter 1: Crash

September 23, 2018 0 By Rosa

Last Monday, I finished my first draft of Chapter 1: Crash. After three days of not touching or reading it, I opened it again yesterday.

I did this on purpose. When writing a piece or a chapter, I get sucked into the writing and think that everything I wrote is just great. But it never is. That’s why I decided to stay away from it for three days.

When those three days were over, I opened the first draft again and read through it. I wasn’t satisfied. There were still many mistakes that had to be addressed. So, I went to work and revised the first draft again. The next day, today, I read through it again and still found a few minor flaws. These flaws were also corrected.

As of today, I’ve posted my first chapter on Scribophile to receive feedback on my writing. It’ll take a short while, since there are many chapters before mine but I’m not in a hurry. In the meantime, I can start with writing my second chapter and critiquing other people’s work.

After I’ve received my first few critiques, I’ll be sure to create a post about what the critiques were. I’ll also include a few excerpts of the first chapter in the post to give you all an insight in the chapter.