The New Year Has Begun!

January 4, 2019 0 By Rosa

It has been a long while since my last post and with good reason too. With the holidays right at the corner, there was little to no time for writing posts. However, 2019 has finally arrived and there are some plans I want to share with you all and I also want to look back on how bullet journalling went this past month.

Getting Fit Again!

Everyone has probably been bombed with the “new year, new me” resolutions and I am no exception to that. However, this year will be my first year that I’ll actually go for this kind of resolution in the most classic way possible. Weight has been a problem for me these past few years and although I’ve been trying to lose some, I’ve never been successful yet.

This year will be different. I’ve decided to go to a dietician to figure out how to properly adjust my diet. Today, I’ve been looking into multiple gyms in the neighbourhood to see which one fits me best. As I am still a student, money is often the biggest issue and it was no different this day either. I managed to find a gym that suits my needs but I have to wait until I receive my last bit of money. In the meantime, I’ll be putting together a workout that hits all the muscle groups in one session. Since my schedule this year will be absolutely stuffed to the brim, I don’t have the time to hit the gym everyday as I’d like. Aside from that, it is important to build up a habit like going to the gym. So, I’ll go with twice a week to begin with and gradually expand to three, four, and maybe five days a week.

I really do hope this plan will get me to my desired weight, so I can feel comfortable again and give me the opportunity to start new sports again.

Part-Time Study

As of this February, I’ll start working at my current internship company and continue my study part-time instead of full-time. I’m absolutely stoked for the opportunity the company has given me to develop my skills with software engineering further and teach me more about test engineering and test automation.

However, this part-time studying will also mean that I’ll have to study during the evenings to get the required amount of hours in. Unfortunately, not everything can be learned at work and there are specific topic to be discussed and to be researched in order to get through the semester. It’ll be a tight schedule, especially with getting my health back on track and following driving lessons. Though, I’m confident I can make it through, just like the past few years.

This Blog

These past few weeks have been insanely busy for me. Of course, the holidays have been around but I’ve also been working on finishing my internship. Within a few weeks, that’ll be behind me as well. This has led to me not being able to keep posting on this blog regularly. However, I’ve made a new plan for myself to keep my blog updated and to keep posting at least every week but preferably at least twice a week. The content will stay the same: computer stuff, writing stuff, and a lot more stuff!

Bullet Journalling

Oh boy, this has been a blast. It completely flopped this month about halfway, just as I anticipated to be honest. Around 15th or 17th I stopped keeping up with the journal, because things were too hectic and with all the family stuff going on in the weekends, it was hard to keep it updated.

However, I did find the way of organising my days very pleasant with the bullet journal. I created my list of tasks, events, and appointments the day before which gave me the time to think about all the things that I needed to do, or that I could reschedule. The next day, I already knew what I had lying ahead of me so I only had to grab my journal to remind myself of what needed to be done. The flexibility of the system also works great! Usually, when I thought of something that had to be done the next day, I’d write it down immediately at my current day so I could process it before going to bed. It definitely kept my head clear during the day and during the night which resulted in me sleeping significantly better.

That’s why I want to give the bullet journal another shot this month. Again, I’ll try to make it a habit and really take it everywhere with me. Last month, I found myself not having my journal during the weekends and I really did miss it because I wasn’t able to schedule my day. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep up with the journal for more than two weeks. It is a process of trial and error and the flexibility of the system allows me to adjust it any way I need. If I decide halfway to do something different, I’ll just have to implement it in the journal and I’m ready to go.